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An Oushak medallion carpet from the 17th century and a contemporary version designed by Ozgur Usakligil



As designers, if we get a chance to be a part of the cultural accumulation throughout human history with each design, we must be happy with where we stand.

Design is an important part of culture. Culture is a wall consisting of stones laid by individuals. The stones come together to form a unique composition reflecting the civilization and era.

One of my professors used to say “Your design is one of the things that determine how people will live”. For instance the car you drive determines how fast you can go on the highway. The coffee machine you use dictate how you will make your coffee. The rug you use reflect your tastes and your cultural wealth.

Designers are influenced by their precedents and influence their contemporaries and successors. Suggesting how humans should do specific things and even how they should live brings along responsibilities. The identity of the designer is formed by his/her reply to this responsibility and where the designer stands on the scale of authenticity.

No matter where we stand on this scale, we lay a brick on the wall, which is the richest product of the collective mind. Even if we completely reject the tradition in design, it is still this wall that we are working on. The evolution of design follows complex paths and whenever we design or think about a design, we serve this evolution.

This perspective made me feel that with every project I undertake, voluntarily or not I will be an element in the tradition of design. That's why I see creating designs that are ethical (original), creative, beneficial, worked-on, and thought-out as a way of fulfilling my responsibility as a designer. These principles are reflected in my designs with figures sometimes sprouting from the past, sometimes from nature, and sometimes from urban life.



Photograph of a bare tree and a new rug design employing the symmetrical composition of traditional rugs with borders


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